BCICA Welcomes New QAC Member

Webb & Hamilton Installations Ltd.

The BCICA’s newest member, Webb & Hamilton Installations Ltd., is a full-service mechanical insulation company that works on new builds from townhouses to full-size concrete towers on Vancouver Island. “We also work with renovation companies, complete small time and improvement projects, and conduct heat race and outdoor insulation and cladding,” says Mark Chambers, Manager at Webb & Hamilton. “Our service area includes the Greater Victoria area west to Port Renfrew, North to Crofton and the Gulf Islands.”

The BCICA’s newest member, Webb & Hamilton Installations Ltd., is a full-service mechanical insulation company that works on new builds from townhouses to full-size concrete towers on Vancouver Island. “We also work with renovation companies, complete small time and improvement projects, and conduct heat race and outdoor insulation and cladding,” says Mark Chambers, Manager at Webb & Hamilton. “Our service area includes the Greater Victoria area west to Port Renfrew, North to Crofton and the Gulf Islands.”

Founded by Ian Hamilton and Chris Webb Sr. in 1997, the company had grown in size and scope, currently employing 18 people, 13 of which are full-time insulators in the field, with two superintendents, one full-time shop manager/delivery driver, and two project managers/estimators.

The team decided to join the BCICA because they recognized the benefits of a strong association being able to affect change surrounding important issues within the mechanical insulation industry. “There is strength in numbers with a unified front pushing engineering companies to better understand how mechanical insulation can improve building code and efficiency of mechanical systems,” Chambers says. 

Webb & Hamilton is a BCICA Quality Assurance Certified member, which Chambers says will help the company continue to grow and learn within the industry. “It enables us to draw on experience of other companies that we collaborate with as well as bid projects that have the BCICA and QAC designation that would otherwise be outside our bidding possibilities,” he says.

Please join the BCICA executive and staff in welcoming Webb & Hamilton Installations to the association.


Meet Arturs Gavrilovs, Director of Operations for Adler Firestopping Ltd. and BCICA Board Member


Lung Health Pilot Program