The British Columbia Insulation Contractors Association (BCICA) has operated continuously since 1958. It was created to develop and distribute mechanical insulation standards to designers, specifying authorities and users of mechanical insulation systems. BCICA has grown to represent all elements of the insulation industry – union contractors, open shop contractors, distributors and fabricators, and manufacturers.

BCICA serves its members and the construction industry through the development of standards and procedures, member training and professional networking. 


Our mission is to provide our members with the most current industry information, create and maintain a standard of work that provides the best value for our customers, and to provide information and installation standards to specifiers and end users.

  • Mission Statement

    BCICA’s mission is to provide our members with the most current industry information, create & maintain a standard of work that provides the best value for our customers, and provide information and installation standards to specifiers and end users.

  • Bylaws

    BCICA’s Bylaws outline how the association is governed.

  • Memberships

    BCICA is a member of the Thermal Insulation Association of Canada (TIAC), the national industry association for contractors, distributors and manufacturers of commercial, industrial and institutional thermal insulation, asbestos abatement and fire-stop.

Meet our Team

Our BCICA team relies on our members' insight and participation into a rapidly changing industry, one where “saving energy for the future” is no longer just a slogan, where climate change is a reality, and where the work done by BCICA members truly makes a difference.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors commits to work on behalf of professional mechanical insulation contractors throughout British Columbia. Their focus is about improving the industry and educating mechanical engineers and government policy makers at all levels about the value that mechanical insulation brings to the energy conservation equation.

Two key activities are to continue growing the Quality Assurance Certificate Program and to ensure that the BCICA Quality Standard Manual is the go to resource for all specifiers in British Columbia.

  • President

    Christopher Ceraldi
    Aarc West Mechanical Insulation

  • Vice President

    Arturs Gavrilovs
    Adler Services

  • Treasurer

    Sean Glenfield
    Coquitlam Insulation Ltd.

  • TIAC Representative

    Brad Haysom
    Tight 5 Contracting

  • Director

    Kyle Willmer
    Nu-west Construction Products

  • Director

    Paul Smith
    Pacific Rim Industrial Insulation Limited

  • Director

    Dave Nowak
    Crossroads C&I

  • Director

    Raymond Pachon
    C&G Insulation

The BCICA Board consist of 6 Active Members and 2 Associate Members. The Board members serve an elected 2 year team. The BCICA could not function without the commitment of the BCICA volunteer Board Members. We are always seeking New BCICA Board members who want to help Educate, Grow and Promote Quality Mechanical Insulation in British Columbia. If you have questions for the Board, or would like to join the Board, Please inquire!!