BC Cancer Research Institute – Breathomics Lab
Generous support from the BCICA Annual Golf Tournaments has been put to good use to advance early detection of lung cancer and mesothelioma. In addition to LDCT screening of workers who were exposed to asbestos with pleural plaques, several pieces of equipment were purchased for the Breathomics Lab at the BC Cancer Research Institute.
The Breathomics Lab at BC Cancer is the first in Canada. Its work focuses on developing a breath test to detect early lung cancer. With the generous donation from the 2022 BCICA Golf Tournament, BC Cancer was able to purchase a TD100 and become the first lab in North America to couple a thermal desorption (TD) to a high-resolution Orbitrap to enable higher resolution analysis of volatile organic compounds in breath. Last year, BC Cancer was able to purchase a second ReCIVA Breath Biopsy collection device to expand this important research to Surrey. The equipment that was purchased and the pilot screening study in people who have never smoked is described here >>