Steps to Create a New Member:

  1. Click CREATE NEW MEMBER (⬇button below)

  2. Populate Join BCICA form

  3. Generic 10 character password BCICABCICA

  4. Verification email is automatically sent to user

  5. Upon verification, user is redirected to Sign In

  6. Once signed-in they have full access to website including Member Dashboard, they simply need to hit Member Dashboard button to access

  7. User cannot access Member Dashboard until they have verified (see account panel verification required prompt)

  8. Member Dashboard has a SIGN OUT button; however it is not necessary as they have full access to the website

  9. User will receive three automated emails from Squarespace:

    1. Verification (noted above)

    2. Welcome to BCICA members area

    3. Confirm your subscription (optional for members)

If you have difficulty setting up new members, contact:

Jill Paradiso
Laneway Media Inc.